Remove Redness & Sun Spots

 Limelight IPL

The LimeLight™ is a new, non-invasive approach to skin rejuvenation. The procedure offers the advantage of improving skin tone and surface imperfections associated with aging and photo damage. It is ideal for any part of your face, neck, décolleté, hands and arms with skin redness, telangiectasia (tiny veins) or brown spots. Light (low contrast) brown spots, which were previously difficult to resolve, respond very well to treatment. One to three treatments are usually sufficient to see results. Additional treatments may be recommended, especially for excessively sun damaged skin. Time and price will vary (FREE consultation)

 Facial Vein Therapy

Treatment for Facial Veins

The small veins and capillaries that show up on the face are most often a result of sun exposure. In the instance of Rosacea, the cause seems to have no true culprit but can be aggravated by a wide variety of lifestyle and diet triggers. All enlarged and broken spider veins on the face are worsened by heat, alcohol, tobacco and sun.

What is the recommended treatment for spider veins on the face?

Laser is one of the most efficient methods to reduce and remove facial veins. In our practice we use the latest Cutera 1064 YAG Laser for Vein Therapy because it provides clearance with low discomfort and high levels of success.

Why won"t one treatment be enough?

Veins of any sort have blood “pressure". This pressure tends to keep the vein open. It is dangerous to push the laser limits because you risk damaging skin and support tissues. Successive laser sessions will gradually force the closure of the treated veins and during the process other deeper veins will assume the job of the vein being treated"¦somewhat like a highway detour!

What does vein laser treatment feel like?

The treatment feels like a little stingly pulse. The surface skin is protected and cooled by the built-in cooling tip of the laser before the laser is activated.  It"s not a “no-pain" treatment, but it"s completely tolerable. Treatments are very quick as the laser pulses are less than a second each.

What precautions should be taken before and after treatment?

Avoid exposure to the sun and tanning of the areas that are to be treated throughout the course of treatment. Immediately following the treatment, the area may be slightly swollen, sensitive and may feel warm.

Post-treatment care

  • Avoid sun exposure or tanning
  • Avoid heat-creating activity like running or heavy exercise
  • Apply cold compresses or icepacks for discomfort
  • Apply moisturizer as recommended
  • Avoid scrubbing or rinsing the area with abrasive skin cleansers the first few days following treatment

Possible side effects

Some people may experience some temporary discoloration or reddening of the skin around the treatment site. Pigmentary changes in skin color may be experienced by some. The skin will typically return to normal pigmentation over time.

Even with the best technology, bruising is possible. We suggest that you schedule treatments when you do not have a big social event in the immediate future.

Daily care

Skin that is prone to these broken vessels should be treated gently and cared for with mild products. Sunscreens and hats will afford a level of protection that will help maintain your cleared skin during and after treatments.

Request More Information:

Call us at 303-284-4270 or send a message below: